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I have over 655,000 students here on Udemy and over 1 million all over the world. I have many online and offline successful businesses, I have cured many of my illnesses in my body. I have an extraordinary persona life, that I feel happy about. Why am I telling you this? To boast? No, I want you to know that I have something to give you, that I have the knowledge that can help you and anybody listening to me. I know how life works , and I can show you that you too can have a wonderful life as well, not just financially but in every area. Life is not just about money, there is a lot more to it. Focusing on the material will give you an empty life , you need to focus on becoming more. Becoming wiser, smarter, a better friend, husband, wife, brother, son, daughter, person, etc. Focus on growing everyday, because without growth we humans tend to get depressed and angry. I learned that we can become successful in basically anything we want, we just have to know how life works. Once we understand the game of life then we can start winning it. Over 95% person of the world population are just living life, day to day following the same routines and expecting different results. Some people go to their job hoping to get paid more, just because in their minds they are worth more. Why not become more? Give more at your job, give me more in your relationship and all this without expecting. If you live like this, you will be amazed how much more you get. We tend to ask more than we give, and this a formula is doomed for failure. Learn to be a giver and you will live a better life where abundance of great things never stop coming to you. If you can take one thing away from this course and apply it, I know that it could change your life, like it has mine. Having so much success puts me in a position to give back, and this is my way of doing it. Sincerely Edwin Diaz, your instructor and indirect brother in life :)
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    This modern interpretation of the classic book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles is designed to walk you through the process of making your own personal changes that lead to better results and a higher level of success. This interactive study program lays out an amazing yet simple path for achievement in every aspect of your life. Learn the real secrets of success and wealth, however you define it — in your finances, career, health, family life, and your relationships.
      Welcome, my name is Philip and I'm an entrepreneur by heart. I've worked with over 200 startups so far and one of the things that inspired me most on this journey was to see the personal growth of the founders and also the changes in made in my own life. In this course I will show you what I've chanced in my life to enjoy every day like it's my last one. You will get step by step introduction to five very key aspects of your daily life. This five topics include: 1) Finding and achieving all your life goals. 2) Becoming more optimistic and building self esteem. 3) Why being rich has nothing todo with money what what success really means. 4) How to reduce stress and live a better life. 5) How to can become a great leader that people look up to Take your time to work through all this five topics, take notes and apply the tips to your life. Take action today, because you only have one chance to life your life - so better do it the right way
        We know you didn't get into your art for the money. BUT, we know you want to make a living doing what you love. Why? Because it's fulfilling! Learn how a broke musician turned his strengths into a multi-million dollar success story using proven entrepreneurial strategy. In Chapter 1 (part 1 of the FIND series from IDA Program) Passion vs Calling , hugely successful entrepreneur and IDA mentor, David Frangioni, co-hosted by IDA creative director, Liza Quin, take you through David's tried and true concepts of mindset, connecting (or reconnecting) with your passion vs. calling, and the practice of self awareness and organization that will prepare you to plan an effective strategy.  Also, learn useful terminology that will help you learn your business. Start building your game plan for success.  Remember: Hard work means nothing if you're not seeing results. F3 (FIND. FORGE. FULFILL) is a proven, self-help style entrepreneurial approach to success in your music career and, ultimately, your life, which allows you to learn and grow at your own pace and budget while you FIND, FORGE, and FULFILL your goals. Above you can preview the first webinar in the F3 series, which includes a bonus printable 17 pagebooklet to use as a guide, reference, and progress journal. Stay Tuned for the Rest of the F3 Series coming soon... FAQs: How much experience is required? This course is for anyone from beginner to the seasoned professional looking to up their game. Who should take this course? Anyone with the desire to take their career to another level. Anyone who wants to learn and be better at obtaining their dreams. Anyone who feels the need to get “unstuck” in their music career and wants help getting on a guided path to success. What am I going to get from this entire courseware? • Completion of full F3 courseware automatically allows you a chance to submit your results for review by our A&R team for a chance at getting signed to IDA Records under ADA (WEA). • ACCESS, GUIDANCE and EMPOWERMENT from industry professionals The control and flexibility to learn at your own pace and budget (for the price of a couple cups of coffee a month) Self awareness and self improvement tools A pdf downloadable infotainment booklet for you to chronicle your takeaway points and journal your process The keys to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking as an artist Tools to up your game plan and strategy Better understanding of digital branding, imaging and marketing for self promotion and follower growth Tools for songwriters to better their craft and understand publishing and digital content
          Practical techniques for success in work-life balance, happiness and goal setting. Do you love your life? Mastery of life is a practical program designed to help you achieve your personal and professional goals to achieve complete happiness. If you feel that things are not going your way, you want to progress faster or you are overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, this period will change your life. In This Success Ritual Online Training Course You Will Learn How To Take Your LIFE & CAREER To The Next Level. This Course Covers ALL The Major Success Rituals You Need To Be Massively Successful … Giving You The Key Tools, Strategies & Techniques You Need Make Your Life & Career Take Off! Learn How To Realize Your FULL Potential! Learning These Key Success Ritual Skills & Techniques Can Help You Be Massively Successful. Once You Can Master These Key Skills & Techniques … Your Potential Is Limitless.                                                                                                                                                                               This course has been made with the guidance of Dr. Anari .Site address is  northstarsuccess
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            If you ask people if they would like to be rich, chances are they will say yes. But if you ask those same people what they mean by “rich,” you are likely to get a lot of different answers. One person, perhaps, would say that a million dollars is enough to make you rich, while another would say that it takes 10 million. Still others would give answers that weren’t expressed in dollar terms at all. They would say that wealth means having a big house, a boat, and a private jet – or maybe just a comfortable home and good health insurance. If becoming wealthy is one of your personal goals, it’s important to think about exactly what wealth means to you. You need to have a clear idea of what your dream of wealth looks like – what kind of rich person you want to be – before you can make your perception a reality. “Wealth & Lifestyle is just a perception” goes a long way toward explaining why there are so many different points of view regarding how much income it takes to be rich and live the life of your dreams. Even if you have a high income, but spend every penny of it, you end up with nothing. You could become broke overnight, with nothing left to live on. This course will steer you in a more prosperity focused direction.
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              O curso "Conquiste a riqueza na sua vida: Método EF -  Nível 2" tem como objetivo eliminar as barreiras e crenças que te impedem de escalar financeiramente, definir seu propósito e valores da sua vida e te ensinar a usar as leis universais para alcançar a riqueza na sua vida. Por isso, o Método EF - Escalada Financeira - Nível 2, te ensina a conquistar a riqueza na sua vida, através da psicologia do dinheiro, compreensão das leis universais, entendimento dos maiores medos da humanidade e definição de objetivos através do Dreamlist. Esse curso aborda assuntos como: avaliação da vida atual e da vida desejada; matriz SWOT Pessoal; principais crenças do dinheiro; mapeamento do perfil comportamental; psicologia do dinheiro; maiores medos da humanidade e como eliminá-los; leis universais; propósito e valores de vida; fichas da atitude; objetivos SMART; e muito mais... Além disso, há materiais para baixar e realizar as atividades de aplicação, durante as aulas do curso!
                Para que las cosas mejoren ¡tú debes ser mejor! Las mejores oportunidades solo son visibles a través de una mente educada, y es ésta la principal razón que me ha motivado a enseñar sobre dos temas trascendentales que influyen en la calidad de vida de las personas: la educación financiera y el crecimiento personal. Creo honestamente que para vivir una extraordinaria, el ser humano necesita desarrollar tres aspectos importantes en su persona: su mente, su cuerpo y su espíritu. A través de este curso te estaré presentando de manera única, importantes coincidencias entre las ciencias económicas y de la mente, con los antiguos textos milenarios; los cuales han demostrado la veracidad de sus principios al resistir la mayor de todas las pruebas: el paso del tiempo. El tiempo es el activo más valioso del ser humano; es como una primavera, la cual, debes aprovechar para sembrar la semilla de la sabiduría. Es por eso, que te invito a que me des la oportunidad de  formar parte en el proceso de tu educación para convertirte en la mejor versión posible de ti mismo.